Ff13 Lightning Returns Strategy Guide Pdf

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Tips and Tricks to Make Life EasierWelcome to the Final Fantasy 13 Weapon Upgrade Guide! This guide sets out to give you instructions and item lists that you may find useful for upgrading every weapon in the game. It's sorted by character, as well as giving you plenty of information; item exp, gil costs, and weapon names, for example. To begin with, here are a few tips to make your life easier, whether you're trying to upgrade just one character's weapon or you're going for everyone's Ultimates. Just remember, no matter what, the total upgrade achievement is going to take a lot of grinding.The number one thing you're going to need.
When attempting to upgrade is money. Since you're most likely going to be taking advantage of the upgrading once you reach the final chapter, if not post-game, there are two ways to farm money. One of them is available before you fight the final boss, and the other is mostly just for post-game. Perfumes and Scarletites. These drop from Sacrifices in the final areas of the game. You can farm these as soon as you find the monster, but it's still late in the game.
Platinum Ingots. These drop from the giant turtles you see wandering Pulse. In Chapter 11 you may be able to kill the weaker turtles, but they only drop gold, not platinum. For platinum, you need to kill the bigger ones, with individual legs.Some other general tips:. Don't Sell Anything.
The only things worth selling are the components expressly labeled as money components, like perfumes and incentive chips. The Exception is if you don't care about the. In that case, sell anything you like.
Plan Your Upgrades. Always try to have a 3x multiplier before you use exp components, and use components suited for the amount of EXP you need to gain. How much is that? You'll find that later. Keep Catalysts.
In order to upgrade every weapon for every character you will need: 15 Perovskite, 14 Uraninite, 12 Scarletite, 6 Trapezohedrons, 3 Adamantite, 3 Cobaltite, and 1 Dark Matter.How To Upgrade Most EfficientlyIf you're following this Weapon Upgrade Guide, you'll want to avoid wasting components. To do this, you'll want to abuse the exp multipliers for upgrading.
How do those work? Each type of component you get has a different effect; some can be used for exp, some for money, and others for transformation.There are six levels of exp gains for items.
1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x, and 3x. How do you increase this? Skillful component use. You can carefully measure out doses of components for maximum exp gain, or you can dump them all at once to leap through the multipliers.There are four types of components in Final Fantasy 13. Nthetic, Money, and Catalyst.
Organic components give very little exp but will increase your multiplier. They have a bone-looking emblem. Synthetic components will decrease your multiplier, but give a lot of exp. They have a screw icon. Money components will do almost nothing for an item, but can be sold for money. All of them say 'can be sold for a premium' in their description.
Catalysts will evolve a maxed-level weapon from one tier to the next. Their icons look like rocks.If you want the best use of components there are two ways to do it. Both of them involve using Sturdy Bones, Vibrant Oozes, and/or Barbed Tails. 36 of these items will increase the multiplier from 1x to 3x. Why are there two ways? One is faster, while the other gives a slight exp bonus. If you're the type of person who wants to squeeze every single possible experience point out of your items, you can do it the long way.
Dump all 36 components on an item at once. This will immediately make the multiplier 3x, but will waste a small amount of exp.
Add 4 items, then 4, then 7, then 3, then 18. This takes more time, but ensures the maximum exp gains.The second method means that the second 4 will have a 1.25x bonus to their small exp, the next 7 have a 1.5x, and so on. Note: This is only useful for the first tier of weapons. After that, when you're dealing with tens or hundreds of thousands of exp, the extra 500 or so exp won't matter. You could also drop them in one at a time, but there's no benefit to doing so over method 2 — it just takes more time. Synthetic ComponentsThe next step in the Weapon Upgrade guide is the EXP-giving components and the catalysts you'll need to evolve weapons. There are many of each, but only a few are necessary for weapons.
In the case of Synthetic components, only a few of them have an efficient cost-to-exp ratio, while in the case of catalysts, only some of them are necessary for weapons. The rest are used for accessories. Don't worry too much about the other components; you rack up a lot of them while fighting random monsters, and you can drop them for a minor exp boost whenever you like. This guide just focuses on the most efficient items.The best Synthetic components, the EXP they g.
Buy from: The Motherlode – 30,000 gil. Drops from: Sanctum Templar (Orphan's Cradle) – 5%Uraninite (You'll need 14 of these.). Buy from: The Motherlode – 45,000 gil. Drops from: Havoc Skytank (Palumpolum) – 100%. Reward from: Missions 29, 30, 36, 57Scarletite (You'll need 12 of these.). Buy from: The Motherlode – 100,000 gil.
Drops from: Adamanchelid (Archlytte Steppes) – 1%. Drops from: Sacrifice (Eden/Orphan's Cradle) – 5%.
Reward from: Mission 50Adamantite (You'll need 3 of these.).Buy from: R&D Depot – 220,000 gil. Dark Matter (You'll need 1 of these.). Buy from: R&D Depot – 840,000 gil. Drops from: Shaolong Gui (Archlytte Steppes) – 5%Trapezohedron (You'll need 6 of these.). Buy from: R&D Depot – 2,000,000 gil. Drops from: Adamantortoise (Archlytte Steppes) – 1%. Drops from: Adamantoise (Archlytte Steppes) – 1%.
Drops from: Long Gui (Archlytte Steppes) – 5%So there you have it; the list of the various catalysts you'll need to upgrade every weapon in Final Fantasy 13. So what else is there to the story? You know how the organic and synthetic components work now. You know how to squeeze every last drop of exp out of each component if you so desire. You know what catalysts you need and where to find them. So what do you do now?
Use the charts in the next few pages for each character, that's what! They will give you all the information you need for each character and each weapon. It will tell you the weapon name and where to buy it, if you can. It will tell you the experience needed to level it to Star, and then it will tell you what catalyst transforms it. Finally, it lists what it turns into, so you can reference the higher tier chart.
Lightning’s Weapons – Tier 1Lightning uses a spectacular weapon with showy flips and transformations; it's a. Next to each weapon is detailed with it's tier, the exp needed to max-level it, and what catalyst it needs to transform. If you're curious, check out the image for pictures of each of her blades in the gun and blade form. Each of Lightning's Tier 1 weapons has a unique strength and weakness, but you can see those in game.Blazefire Saber: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 24,600 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: FlambergeAxis Blade: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,7. 50 Catalyst: Adamantite Tier 2: EnkindlerEdged Carbine: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Razor CarbineLifesaber: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 70,850 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: PeacemakerGladius: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 54,800 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Helter-SkelterOrganyx: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 20,100 Catalyst: Cobaltite Tier 2: ApocalypseHauteclaire: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.'
EXP: 54,800 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: DurandalLionheart: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 63,060 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Ultima WeaponLightning’s Weapons: Tier 2-3's Tier 2 weapons are all much stronger than their Tier 1 counterparts, once you level them up a little. However they also take a vastly higher amount of exp to level. Every Tier 2 weapon requires a Trapezohedron to evolve into Tier 3. Lightning's Ultimate weapon is the Omega Weapon.
Listed below is the Tier 2 weapon, how much EXP it takes to max level it, and how much it takes to max-level it's variant of the Omega Weapon. Each Omega Weapon takes a different amount of EXP to max.Flamberge: EXP to Max: 445,950 Omega Weapon E.
XP: 1,296,897Enkindler: EXP to Max: 280,830 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,419,867Razor Carbine: EXP to Max: 437,550 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,296,897Peacemaker: EXP to Max: 236,350 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,460,247Helter-Skelter: EXP to Max: 332,560 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,380,087Apocalypse: EXP to Max: 233,220 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,514,127Durandal: EXP to Max: 332,570 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,380,087Ultima Weapon: EXP to Max: 221,900 Omega Weapon EXP: 1,482,487Vanilla’s Weapons – Tier 1Vanilla uses staves, but they aren't like the typical staves of. They have wires that fly our should she use them to attack; something you're likely only to see when you first get her. With each weapon is the shop you find it in, the EXP to max it, the catalyst that transforms it, and it's tier-2 form. Check out the picture to the right to see what each of them looks like and then just go with the Malboro wand, because the debuff enhancement is excellent.Binding Rod: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 24,600 Cata.
Lyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Hunter's RodTiger Claw: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 44,760 Catalyst: Cobaltite Tier 2: WyrmfangHealer's Staff: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 63,750 Catalyst: Adamantite Tier 2: Physician's StaffPearlwing Staff: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Brightwing StaffRod of Thorns: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Orochi RodMistilteinn: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,750 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Erinye's CaneBelladonna Wand: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Malboro WandHeavenly Axis: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 54,800 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Abraxas Vanilla’s Weapons: Tier 2-3Vanilla's Tier 2 weapons are all much stronger than their Tier 1 counterparts, once you level them up a little. However they also take a vastly higher amount of exp to level.
Every Tier 2 weapon requires a to evolve into Tier 3. Vanilla's Ultimate weapon is the Nirvana. Listed below is the Tier 2 weapon, how much EXP it takes to max level it, and how much it takes to max-level it's variant of the Nirvana. Each Nirvana takes a different amount of EXP to max.Hunter's Rod: EXP: 445,950, Nirvana EXP: 1,393,818.
Wyrmfang: EXP: 233,872, Nirvana EXP: 1,864,368Physician's Staff: EXP: 281,160, Nirvana EXP: 1,591,920Brightwing Staff: EXP: 437,550, Nirvana EXP: 1,408,440Orochi Rod: EXP: 470,550, Nirvana EXP: 1,408,440Erinye's Cane: EXP: 218,210, Nirvana EXP: 1,579,408Malboro Wand: EXP: 153,000, Nirvana EXP: 1,673,328Abraxas: EXP: 332,560, Nirvana EXP: 1,477,008 Fang’s Weapons: Tier 1Fang uses perhaps the most straightforward weapon in the game; a spear. Except her spear can break into three sections, and has blades on both ends. Next to each weapon is detailed with it's tier, the exp needed to max-level it, and what it needs to transform. Whether you classify her weapon as a spear, a three-section staff, or some other combination of the two, you may be interested in the image of it posted to the right. Many of the spear points also collapse down or fold out for combat, because FF13 is obsessed with hinges.Bladed Lance: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 24,600 Catalyst: Perovski. Te Tier 2: GlaiveDragoon Lance: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.'
EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: DragonhornPartisan: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: RhomphaiaShamanic Spear: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Heretic's HalberdPunisher: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 70,850 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Banescissor SpearPandoran Spear: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 70,850 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Calamity SpearTaming Pole: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 54,800 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Venus GospelGae Bolg: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 70,850 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Gungnir Fang’s Weapons: Tier 2-3Fang's Tier 2 weapons are all much stronger than their Tier 1 counterparts, once you level them up a little. However they also take a vastly higher amount of exp to level. Every Tier 2 weapon requires a Trapezohedron to evolve into Tier 3. Fang's Ultimate weapon is the. Listed below is the Tier 2 weapon, how much EXP it takes to max level it, and how much it takes to max-level it's variant of the Kain's Lance.
Each Kain's Lance takes a different amount of EXP to max.Glaive: EXP: 445,950, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,299,375Dragonhorn: EXP: 152,640, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,588,125. Rhomphaia: EXP: 274,350, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,462,275Heretic's Halberd: EXP: 153,000, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,578,585Banescissor Spear: EXP: 215,520, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,484,665Calamity Spear: EXP: 236,350, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,462,425Venus Gospel: EXP: 334,656, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,382,265Gungnir: EXP: 214,110, Kain's Lance EXP: 1,484,665 Sazh’s Weapons: Tier 1Sazh uses weapons almost as basic as Fang's: A pair of pistols that he keeps in hip sheaths. But needs to make everything more complex, and this is no exception.
His pistols are capable of merging together to form a rifle for a shot in his normal attacks. Next to each weapon is detailed with it's tier, the exp needed to max-level it, and what catalyst it needs to transform.Vega 42s: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 24,600 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Altairs. Spica Defenders: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,750 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Sirius SidearmsDeneb Duellers: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 32,580 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Canopus AMPsRigels: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 54,800 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Polaris SpecialsAldebarans: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 20,100 Catalyst: Cobaltite Tier 2: SadalmeliksPleiades Hi– Powers: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.'
EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Hyades MagnumsAntares Deluxes: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Fomalhaut ElitesProcyons: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 63,060 Catalyst: Dark Matter Tier 2: Betelgeuse Customs Sazh’s Weapons: Tier 2-3Sazh's Tier 2 weapons are all much stronger than their Tier 1 counterparts, once you level them up a little. However they also take a vastly higher amount of exp to level.
Every Tier 2 weapon requires a Trapezohedron to evolve into Tier 3. Sazh's Ultimate weapon is the Total Eclipses. Listed below is the Tier 2 weapon, how much EXP it takes to max level it, and how much it takes to max-level it's variant of the Total Eclipses.
Each takes a different amount of EXP to max.Altairs: EXP: 470,550, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,551,723Sirius Sidearms: EXP: 284,960, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,737,313. Canopus AMPs: EXP: 437,550, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,551,723Polaris Specials: EXP: 332,560, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,634,913Sadalmeliks: EXP: 233,872, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,768,953Hyades Magnums: EXP: 437,550, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,551,723Fomalhaut Elites: EXP: 153,000, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,831,233Betelgeuse Customs: EXP: 243,740, Total Eclipses EXP: 1,715,473 Snow’s Weapons: Tier 1Snow doesn't even use weapons, he uses his fist. So what do you equip on him? You would think you give him or gauntlets of some kind, but no; all you do is change the emblem on his trenchcoat. Next to each weapon is detailed with it's tier, the exp needed to max-level it, and what catalyst it needs to transform. If you wonder how exactly an emblem on his coat works to enhance his attacks, supposedly it has something to do with AMP technology that discharges when he punches.
Or something. One could also just assume it's magic.Wild Bear: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 24,600 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier. 2: Feral PridePaladin: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,750 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Winged SaintRebel Heart: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Warrior's EmblemPower Circle: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 89,700 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: Battle StandardFeymark: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Soul BlazerSacrificial Circle: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 84,024 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: IndomitusUnsetting Sun: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.'
EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: Midnight SunUmbra: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,750 Catalyst: Adamantite Tier 2: Solaris Snow’s Weapons: Tiers 2-3's Tier 2 weapons are all much stronger than their Tier 1 counterparts, once you level them up a little. However they also take a vastly higher amount of exp to level. Every Tier 2 weapon requires a Trapezohedron to evolve into Tier 3. Snow's Ultimate weapon is the Save the Queen. Listed below is the Tier 2 weapon, how much EXP it takes to max level it, and how much it takes to max-level it's variant of the Save the Queen.
Each Save the Queen takes a different amount of EXP to max.Feral Pride: EXP: 445,950, Save the Queen EXP: 1,246,803Winged Saint: EXP: 218,210, Save the Queen EXP: 1,432,393. Warrior's Emblem: EXP: 154,752, Save the Queen EXP: 1,526,976Battle Standard: EXP: 476,940, Save the Queen EXP: 1,150,713Soul Blazer: EXP: 153,000, Save the Queen EXP: 1,526,313Indomitus: EXP: 477,568, Save the Queen EXP: 1,164,801Midnight Sun: EXP: 438,600, Save the Queen EXP: 1,251,536Solaris: EXP: 280,830, Save the Queen EXP: 1,369,773 Hope’s Weapons: Tier 1Hope uses one of the more ridiculous weapons in: A boomerang.
This is odd for many reasons, including the fact that it can fly almost as if by remote control, hit things and keep flying, and not fold up despite the hinge. On top of that, Hope is best suited as a mage. Next to each weapon is detailed with it's tier, the exp needed to max-level it, and what catalyst it needs to transform.Airwing: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 22,440 Catalyst: Uranin. Ite Tier 2: SkycutterHawkeye: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: EagletalonOtshirvani: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,750 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: UrubutsinNinurta: Buy: 'Up In Arms' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: JatayuVidofnir: Buy: 'Plautus' Workshop' EXP: 66,750 Catalyst: Scarletite Tier 2: HresvelgrSimurgh: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.'
EXP: 38,040 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: TezcatlipocaMalphas: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 33,000 Catalyst: Perovskite Tier 2: NaberiusAlicanto: Buy: 'Gilgamesh Inc.' EXP: 54,800 Catalyst: Uraninite Tier 2: Caladrius Hope’s Weapons: Tiers 2-3Hope's Tier 2 weapons are all much stronger than their Tier 1 counterparts, once you level them up a little. However they also take a vastly higher amount of exp to level. Every Tier 2 weapon requires a Trapezohedron to evolve into Tier 3.
Hope's Ultimate weapon is the Nue. Listed below is the Tier 2 weapon, how much EXP it takes to max level it, and how much it takes to max-level it's variant of the Nue. Each Nue takes a different amount of EXP to max.Skycutter: EXP: 168,600, Nue EXP: 1,364,042Eagletalon: EXP: 437,550, Nue EXP: 1,084,532. Urubutsin: EXP: 221,600, Nue EXP: 1,276,352Jatayu: EXP: 437,550, Nue EXP: 1,084,532Hresvelgr: EXP: 221,600, Nue EXP: 1,276,352Tezcatlipoca: EXP: 154,752, Nue EXP: 1,364,042Naberius: EXP: 438,360, Nue EXP: 1,097,316Caladrius: EXP: 334,656, Nue EXP: 1,171,016So that's it.
Congratulations: If you followed this Weapon Upgrade Guide, you'll have upgraded every weapon! References. User’s Own Experience. Weapon images from strategy guides.
Images from Square-Enix advertisements and wallpapers. EXP Information aggregated from various Final Fantasy 13 strategy guides.This post is part of the series: Final Fantasy XIII Upgrades Guide.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Wikipedia
Final Fantasy Tactics [a] is a tactical role-playing game developed and published by Squaresoft later changed to Square and now Square Enix for the Sony PlayStation video game console. The game combines thematic elements of the Final Fantasy video game series with a game engine and battle system unlike those previously seen in the franchise. In contrast to other bit era Final Fantasy titles, Final Fantasy Tactics uses a 3D , isometric , rotatable playing field, with bitmap sprite characters. Final Fantasy Tactics is set in a fictional medieval-inspired kingdom called Ivalice , created by Yasumi Matsuno. The game's story follows Ramza Beoulve, a highborn cadet who finds himself thrust into the middle of an intricate military conflict known as The Lion War, where two opposing noble factions are coveting the throne of the kingdom. As the story progresses, Ramza and his allies discover a sinister plot behind the war. The game received extremely positive reviews from gaming magazines and websites and has become a cult classic since its release.Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII-3 - The Movie - Marathon Edition (All Cutscenes 1080p HD)
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Log In Registration. Download Preview. Content: Contents Size: 6. Content: Quickstart Size: 0. Content: Primer Game Structure Size: 2. This download covers a variety of topics, including character progression, exploration and the passage of time.
We'll help you stuff your pockets with drop top-tier Components. Warning, this content contains spoilers! Spoiler Alert! Read and watch if you dare. This content contains spoilers.
It was developed for the PlayStation and it had the same graphics capabilities yet it featured much more realistic graphics when compared to the more cartoonish appearances of characters in Final Fantasy VII. Production for the game began in and it took two years to complete before being released in The game follows the story of Squall and his team as they quest to stop a sorceress from the future named Ultimecia from compressing time. The game uses a system of summons similar to previous Final Fantasy games which are referred to as Guardian Forces. In addition to being a source of some of the most lethal attacks, Guardian Forces also provide the ability to junction magics to specific stats and abilities allowing characters to grow. Unlike many of the other games in the series, the cast of characters were designed to appear more realistic.
In this Final Fantasy XIII guide you will find some detailed description about how to handle with all main quests that are appearing in the game.
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In this Final Fantasy XIII guide you will find some detailed description about how to handle with all main quests that are appearing in the game. In addition you will be able to learn an exact localization of all chests and read some strategies that will help you in defeating all main bosses.
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