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Our edition of the Breviary finally incorporates all that could and should have been included in any edition in 1962. Imprimatur according to canon 826 II CIC by his Excellency Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke, O.S.B. New edition, not a reprint, complete new arrangement of the texts in the classical order. Breviarium romanum 1962 edition of the joy movie. For the first time since 1962, there is now a brand-new complete edition of the Breviarium Romanum - the traditional prayerbook for the 'divine office. Just like other '1962 editions', this new two-volume edition has been prepared according to the rubrics set forth by the Motu Proprio 'Rubricarum Instructum' of Bl. Pope John XXIII on July 25th 1960. Traditional Roman Breviary – 1962 Breviarium Romanum The recitation of the Divine Office should be at the heart of every Catholic, cleric (particularly those in major orders) and laity alike.